Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree!

That's right, we had "double" the Christmas tree fun this year since we took the twins with us to cut down a tree at The Christmas Forest (for their last year! Tear!). It was quite a feat! Usually I hold the tree steady while Dan saws it down, but not this year! Who would hold the babies? Also, usually when we go somewhere we each hold a baby--simple enough, right? Not when Dan needs to cut down an 8 foot tall tree! Ha! So we found a solution--I wore Thing 1 on my back in a mei tai carrier and held Thing 2. Worked out great! And I was glad Dan managed to cut and carry that heavy tree all by himself! Here's a few photos from the day:

 Asher checking out our tree selection:
Eli enjoying a ride on my back:

I'm sorry I can't post pictures of the decorated tree because: we cut our tree on 12/9...and today on 12/13 it's STILL sitting under our carport! We can't figure out how to make it stand straight in the tree stand without toppling over! Help?!

.....and I promise I'll get around to posting Halloween pics and other happenings from the last 6 months one day, er...I mean soon!!

Love, Beth

Psalm 72:11 - All kings will bow before him, and all nations will serve him.