Tuesday, February 15, 2011

23 weeks, y'all....

(picture is from 21.3 weeks)

I just don't know where the time is going! Oh yeah, it's sucked up by grad school classes, projects, and student teaching :( I really wish I had more time to soak up this pregnancy, spend all day in Babies R Us picking out clothes, decorating the nursery, and keeping a baby journal, like I've always imagined pregnancy would be. But life gets in the way I suppose. The reality of having to finish grad school, then turn around and have my pregnancy over and having to be ready to welcome TWO babies in this world has been very emotionally challenging for me this week. Between that and crazy hormones that make me cry when someone asks how my day is going, it's been a tough week. I'm even crying as I type this, and I don't feel all that upset! So please keep me in your thoughts and prayers this week as this pregnancy becomes a little rough for the first time. But let's focus on the positives, shall we? :) The babies are absolutely as healthy as can be so far! I have another appointment tomorrow, then an ultrasound next Friday, so we'll get even more info on them during those two visits. According to my iphone app, they are about a pound and a half each, and the length of an ear of corn! I can also tell they are growing up a storm because I swear my tummy gets bigger daily. I gained the four pounds my doc wanted to see next time I came in, and I still have 9 more days to go til that appointment! :) With a total of 12 pounds gained and who knows how many belly inches, every day I discover yet another shirt that doesn't fit me, haha. It makes for rough mornings. Unfortunately, I have no pics to add today of nursery progress (there has been no progress to speak of: grad school, remember?) or ultrasounds (don't worry, we'll have some in a week and a half!) or anything exciting really to say. I would just like to ask for y'alls support for the next few weeks or so, please. Thanks y'all! Till next time.... -beth

"Cast all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7